Mecenat's Printed Brochure BRIEF: Mecenat's brochure is the most important printed communication of the semester. The brochure is sent, along with the Mecenat card, to 120,000 students in Sweden. This makes it an excellent opportunity to show that you are a student-friendly brand while being the first to offer your student discount to new students.


Mecenat Mastercard har nu upphört att gälla. Vi erbjuder inte längre möjligheten att ansöka eller inneha Mecenat Mastercard. Från och med den 1 januari 2017 upphör avtalet mellan Mecenat och kortutgivaren Entercard Sverige AB. För dig som kund innebär det följande: • Ditt Mecenat Mastercard avslutades den 31 december 2016.

Mecenatkortet ger studenter i Sverige unika erbjudanden, kampanjer, tävlingar och förmåner. UL - Public transport discount in the Uppsala region – Mecenat UL - Public transport discount in the Uppsala region To travel with a UL Student Ticket, you need to be able to present a valid Mecenat card with SL logo together with photo ID. You can find the rules for the SL logo here. The student identification card entitles the holder to student discounts on items ranging from books and computers to train and bus tickets and much more (further details can be found at o r a t Membership of either a student union or a nation is also printed on this card.

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Fredag 9-15. Lunchstängt alla dagar 11.30-12.30 . Name * First Name. Last Name.

Sagor och berättande 7. Det här gör att Mecenat Mastercard inte är speciellt unikt kreditkort egentligen eftersom det finns många andra kortutgivare som har 

UL - Public transport discount in the Uppsala region – Mecenat UL - Public transport discount in the Uppsala region To travel with a UL Student Ticket, you need to be able to present a valid Mecenat card with SL logo together with photo ID. You can find the rules for the SL logo here. The student identification card entitles the holder to student discounts on items ranging from books and computers to train and bus tickets and much more (further details can be found at o r a t Membership of either a student union or a nation is also printed on this card. To travel with SL/UL you need to have your Studentkortet card (or the Mecenat card) with SL logo (physical or digital).

Imorgon (tisdag 23/4) besöker vi Forsfestivalen i Uppsala och ger ut gratis bullar till alla er som har laddat ner WeSupero-appen Have you a #mecenat card?

Mecenat card uppsala

With an inscribed card by the author inserted. Le mécénat de Philippe le Bon. Studentkort | Christer Holm. Student Tips : Mecenat Card – Odyssefs journey Från Mecenat till Studentkortet — Uppsala studentkår. Läs mer. Csn mecenat kort   In English För närvarande behöver studenter vid Uppsala universitet som inte har studiestöd från CSN ansöka om kortet. Läs mer här hur du Med Mecenat får du studentrabatt hos tusentals företag. Mecenatkortet ger studenter i Sverige unika erbjudanden, kampanjer, tävlingar och förmåner.

First download a Registration Certificate that shows your course registrations for the current semester. In English För närvarande behöver studenter vid Uppsala universitet som inte har studiestöd från CSN ansöka om kortet. Läs mer här hur du gör för att ansöka om Mecenatkortet. UL - Public transport discount in the Uppsala region To travel with a UL Student Ticket, you need to be able to present a valid Mecenat card with SL logo together with photo ID. You can find the rules for the SL logo here. All students at the University, including PhD students, are eligible to apply for a student identification card at the beginning of each term, at the moment there is an agreement with Mecenat. The student identification card entitles the holder to student discounts on items ranging from books and computers to train and bus tickets and much more (further details can be found at o Med Mecenat får du studentrabatt hos tusentals företag. Mecenatkortet ger studenter i Sverige unika erbjudanden, kampanjer, tävlingar och förmåner.
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Mecenat card uppsala

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Their ambition  But what is this Mecenat card (a.k.a. student ID) that I'm talking about? Well, it's basically a discount card that is given to any person who is  Hotell & Vandrarhem Uppsala Kungsängstorg. Centrally For students with a Mecenat student card CityStay also offers a 10 % discount on regular prices.
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Can I use my Uppsala student id for student discounts? How do I get a student discount card? How do I get my Studentkort? In order to get student discounts and fares (for example on train tickets), you cannot use your student id, you need a special card from Studentkortet (it replaces the old Mecenat card).

Fortunately, the Mecenat card is here to make our lives a little bit easier in that regard!