The Investor Relations website contains information about Becton, Dickinson and Company's business for stockholders, potential investors, and financial 


Latour Capital is an independent French private equity company with a strong operational expertise. With over €1.5 billion in assets under management and c.15 investment professionals, Latour Capital is an active shareholder, strongly involved in its portfolio companies alongside management teams.

One is made up of the wholly owned industrial and trading operations and the other is a portfolio with listed holdings. Investment AB Latour is the investment company controlled by the Swedish businessman and billionaire Gustaf Douglas and his family.. Through the company Douglas controls, inter alia, security firm Securitas AB and the world-leading lock producer Assa Abloy.Latour is also the biggest shareholder of the world's largest RVM provider Tomra (with 26% of the stock as of February 2020). This also impacted the value of our investment portfolio which increased by just 1.9 per cent adjusted for dividends and net investments. By comparison, the benchmark index SIXRX was down 4.4 per cent. In the same period, the net asset value in Latour increased by 8.3 … 2018-03-16 Investment AB Latour: Latour slutför förvärvet av Fristads AB, Kansas A/S, Kansas GmbH and Leijona Group Oy 2021-02-19 Investment AB Latour: Latour uppdaterar grundprospekt och höjer rambeloppet till … Investor in brief.

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Här kan du ta del av våra pressmeddelanden och finansiella rapportering. Vid frågor vänligen kontakta vår IR-kontakt. Investment AB Latour (publ) (”Latour”) har idag emitterat ett obligationslån om sammanlagt 750 MSEK inom ramen för det befintliga MTN-programmet. Obligationslånet emitterades med en löptid på 5,5 år och löper med en årlig fast ränta på 1,048 procent.

Affine merges with Société de la Tour Eiffel. It is with great pleasure that STE announces the success of this transaction, which will lead STE to hold a real estate 

Investor, founded by the Wallenberg family in 1916, is an engaged owner of high-quality, global companies. We have a long-term investment perspective.

Köp aktien Latour, Investmentab. ser. B (LATO B). Hos Nordnet kan du handla från 0 kr i courtage. Klicka här för att följa aktiekursen i realtid

Latour investment investor relations

Skip to main content. Investor Relations Reports and presentations Investment AB Latour (publ) J A Wettergrens gata 7, Box 336, 401 25 Göteborg. Phone 031 - 89 17 90 Investment Portfolio Investor Relations Reports The Latour share’s net asset value Method of calculation Investment AB Latour is the investment company investing in companies with their own products and with a great development potential based on key global megatrends to create a long-term sustainable value for its shareholders. Investment Portfolio Investor Relations Reports The Latour share’s net asset value Method of calculation Investment AB Latour (publ) has obtained a credit A rating from Fitch Ratings, with a stable outlook. For more information, please refer to Fitch’s press release: Latour Industries är ett investmentbolag verksamt inom verkstadsteknik och byggnadsautomation. Vår styrka är att utveckla och förädla bolag så att de når sin fulla potential. Vi arbetar också aktivt med att identifiera och förvärva nya bolag med tillväxtpotential.

See who the company's key decision makers are.
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Latour investment investor relations

Den tryckta versionen distribueras per post till prenumeranter och aktieägare som begärt det under vecka 12.

Phone 031 - 89 17 90 E-mail . Footer. Investment AB Latour is the investment company investing in companies with their own products and with a great development potential based on key global megatrends to create a long-term sustainable value for its shareholders. The share / Latour.
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About Latour Capital. Latour Capital is an independent French private equity company with a strong operational expertise. With over €1.5 billion in assets under management and c.15 investment professionals, Latour Capital is an active shareholder, strongly involved in its portfolio companies alongside management teams.

Vi arbetar också aktivt med att identifiera och förvärva nya bolag med tillväxtpotential. Läs mer på ».